Traveling the world is something I’ve always wanted to do. I’ve had the opportunity to go to Mexico, Jamaica, Ecuador, and New Zealand. We’re now on a quest to see as many of the US National Parks as we can! We’re currently almost 1/3 of the way through them. Give me all your pro tips for park hopping.
If I could, I would hibernate through the whole winter. Anything below freezing and I am NOT going outside. We need groceries? It’s ok, we can eat canned corn until it gets warmer.
I got my first SLR the summer before junior year of high school from my boyfriend, Vince. A few years later, I married him. I’m pretty smitten with this guy. There is nothing like watching a man become an amazing father to make you fall deeper in love. I have the best kids. I know everyone says that but it’s really true this time. Lucy is thirteen. THIRTEEN? That’s just straight dumb. She’s the most social person I know. And then there’s my ten-year-old, Max, my fearless, intelligent, high-energy boy who will talk to you about rocks or fun facts until he’s blue in the face.
Jesus is King of my life and I give Him all of the glory. When owning my own business gets tough or when I feel discouraged I know I find my worth in Him, not in my abilities. I’m so grateful for my church family that supports me and loves me unconditionally.
Want to know more about me? Let’s grab coffee! Well, you can drink coffee I’ll take in the lovely smells of a coffee house while drinking tea.